I'm changing Wednesday nights in Charlotte!!

I'm changing Wednesday nights in Charlotte!!
SeXXXy Wet&Wild Wednesdays

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Behind Enemy Lines

Have any of you ever had someone make the ultimate mistake of underestimating you? Someone that just flat out did or said something to or about you, then turn around and say to their lil homeboy or homegirl "she/he aint shit."

As they take that last turn on their heel as theyre walking away…before they can even get the word "shit" out their mouth, you find that every last bit of that pure uncooked uncut raw HATE and DESPISE mixed with straight up savage anger and some sort of animalistic type RAGE that's been slowly but surely building up inside of you and eating away at every little last nerve of very few nerves that you happen to have left, somehow sent a message from DEEP within your brain---> down to your arm---> down to your hand. What was the message? The message was actually a COMMAND: “grab the back of that ugly neck walking away from you and proceed to choke the pure shit out of them while yelling: Now what!? Say something now!”


Okay okay. This may not be the right way to handle things (and Im not saying that its wrong either). Okay…damn…yes its totally wrong *sigh*

I'm often underestimated in a lot of things that I do. As Ive gotten older, my tolerance for a lot of the B.S. has definitely become almost non-existent. I’ve worked hard for YEARS, I've put in alot of work, and I've given up alot to accomplish what I have done so far. I’ve BEEN holding down a family while others got to run the streets and party and bullshit. Nine times out of ten...well...eight times out of ten, I am always the bigger person and most the time that has led to me having to carry the weight of biting my tongue in ALOT of situations.
Yeah, people hear me cracking jokes. They see the pictures of me smiling, the red carpet events, VIP, calendars, magazines, blah blah blah. Little do the people know. I've been through and survived some crazy things. I am one hell of a resilient person. I’ve endured some pretty unbelievable and unnecessary crap.
I don’t choose to share that part of my life with many people. If,  for some strange reason, I do decide to let a person know my REAL story, then congratulations I consider you family now.

Walk a day in my shoes? HA! These shoes are customed made for ME. So please don’t be ignorant and misjudge me thinking that you can do what I do. I’d hate to have to leave a "customized" shoe print on your face. *I’m kidding. Well….not really.

We all have a life story. Shit…some of us have NOVELS! Do what YOU do. Stop worrying about the next person. More importantly, never under estimate your opponent. Your opponent is anyone and everyone, including yourself sometimes. Watch everything you do and everything you say. My motto? "Believe NONE of what you see and NONE of what you hear." Situations change, people change. Friends become enemies, Enemies become friends, Lovers can turn into haters….and you all know the rest.
Well….all I know is…I do ME. I've always done ME and to underestimate me is not going to do anything but give me one more thing to laugh and blog about. Now a days, you cant just be ten steps ahead of someone, you have to be soooo far ahead of them that they cant see anything but the dust you left when you took off running.

Now what!? Say something now! *sweet smile*

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